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January 25, 2011



Wow!! I am so impressed with your cake decorating ability. I started to get into it for awhile but my cakes never turned out anything like yours. You have the talent for it. I agree that your girls are CUTE!! They couldn't be any cuter. I also love to bake and cook. These blueberry bars look and sound really good. I will look forward to trying out your recipes.


Great to have you back! But I'm feeling SERIOUSLY left out between the cake decorating talents of you and Sus... you need to come over here and do a master class!

Shannan Hoffman

Those cakes are amazing! And your daughters are darling. ;) Hope to see you at the gymnastics meet on Friday!


You're a true artist Jenny!!

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Daily Surfing

  • Susannah
    A great friend who I've managed to remain in contact with since high school. The girl is uber-talented and will try anything... try to keep up.
  • Dooce
    Always an entertaining read, whether or not you love her or hate her
  • Lisa
    Don't tell her your story, you'll end up in her novel
  • Busolove
    Another Jen... shocking
  • Calling Dr. Bombay
    Humor... the girl's got it
  • Lins
    Across the pond
  • matt, liz and madeline
    Heartbreaking and heartwarming